Monday, October 4, 2010

An aimless post with random links aka 3 reasons climbing is awesome

Three Reasons climbing is awesome:

1) This past weekend was the one, the only, the first installment of the Triple Crown Bouldering Competition, HOUND EARS! But I wasn't there, this past weekend I went to the Obed and continued in my quest to try to climb 5.12. Sadly, all that I sent this weekend was the warm up...  but progress was made on both of my current projects!

Here is a video of a young boy crushing one of the climbs I have been working on. I don't know the kid or the guy who filmed it, but it is a cool video and is a good reminder that (pretty much) no matter how hard you climb, somewhere there is a thirteen fourteen fifteen year old climbing your latest project. Like I said, climbing is awesome.

2) There is an almost endless possibility for making up words: dyno, aggro, sloper, ringlock... the list is (almost) infinite.

A new word was added to my climbing lexicon this weekend-- PORK WHIPPER. You may say, "Wait! That is two words, one of which is a preexisting climbing word." To which I would reply, "You're right, shut up." That sticky point bypassed, I return to the matter at hand: PORK WHIPPER. I don't need to tell you what it is, because it is a term best defined for oneself. One day you will fall off a rock  and realize you have just taken a Pork Whipper, bask in the porky goodness.

3) There is an almost endless possibility for making up words: dyno, aggro, sloper, ringlock... the list is (almost) infinite amount of climbing media out there on the internet. This video from Switzerland is rad. Do yourself a favor and watch it (twice).

This post is mediocre at best; I felt bad about not updating, but now I want to go to the climbing gym.

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